Welfare Arrangement for Inmates in the Udon Thani Central Prison


  • Sarinphat Pawanna Master of Public Administration Program, Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit College
  • Koson Sodsong Master of Public Administration Program, Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit College


Welfare, Prisoners, Prisons


The main objective of this research was to study the welfare of inmates in the Udon Thani Central Prison. The sample used in this study were inmates in the Udon Thani Central Prison. Calculated according to Taro Yamane's formula, there were 356 people. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire consisting of 3 parts. Statistics used for data analysis are descriptive statistics including number, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were T-test and F-test, the questionnaire's reliability was 0.743.

The results showed that: Welfare arrangement for inmates in the Udon Thani Central Prison Overall, it was at a high level. And when considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was sports and recreation. Followed by health and the aspect with the lowest average was education. Comparison of the level of welfare of inmates in the Udon Thani Central Prison Classified by gender, age, level of education and monthly income Overall, inmates in the Udon Thani Central Prison with gender, age, education level and different monthly income Their opinions on welfare provision were not different. Suggestions for improving the welfare of inmates in Udon Thani Central Prison include: Udon Thani Central Prison should provide knowledge on welfare rights to be able to access and make use of welfare rights in order to have a good quality of life.


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