The Performance of Duties of the Village Committee in Pha Khao District, Loei Province


  • Rakthai Punlookthow Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit College
  • Pichairat Muenduang Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit College


village committee, performing duties, people


The purpose of this research is to study the performance of the village committees in Pha Khao District, Loei Province, to compare the performance of the village committees. in Pha Khao District, Loei Province classified by gender, age, education level and occupation, and to propose guidelines for developing the performance of village committees in Pha Khao District, Loei Province. The sample group used in this research was People aged 18 years and over are eligible to vote. The samples were 395 people who lived in Pha Khao District, Loei Province. The instrument used for collection was a questionnaire. The statistics used in the analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and analyze the data hypothesis test by using the value statistics (T-Test) and using the F-Statistics (F-Test).

The results showed that:

  1. The performance of the village committees in Pha Khao District, Loei Province were generally at a moderate level (= 3.50, S.D. = 0.42). And when considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was education. Religion and culture (= 3.91, S.D.= 0.63), followed by economic promotion (= 3.79, S.D.= 0.41), and the social aspect with the least average value. Environment and Public Health ( = 3.04, S.D.= 0.42).
  2. Comparison of the performance of village committees in Pha Khao District, Loei Province classified by gender, age, education level and occupation. and different professions Their opinions on the performance of the village committees in Pha Khao District, Loei Province were not different. which is not in accordance with the assumptions set and when considering the side Found that all aspects were not different.
  3. Proposals for the development of the village committee's duties in Pha Khao District, Loei Province, namely, to promote agriculture, where the earth doctor should play a role in promoting and advising the agricultural sector.


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