The Good Behavior of Sangha?s Buddhism: Emotional Intelligence Mental Health Power (Resilience Quotient) and Stress Coping Behaviors


  • Nuttawat Tangpatomwong Independent Scholar


Stress Coping, Health Power (Resilience Quotient), Emotional Intelligence Mental


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) To study the factors of personal data of the good behavior of Sangha?s Buddhism; 2) To study the level of emotional intelligence mental, health power (resilience quotient), stress coping and the good behavior of Sangha?s Buddhism; 3) To study the relationship between of emotional intelligence mental, health power (resilience quotient), stress coping behavior 4) To study the relationship between emotional intelligence affecting health power (resilience quotient), stress coping and the good behavior of Sangha?s Buddhism, health power (resilience quotient) affecting of the good behavior of Sangha?s Buddhism and stress coping behavior affecting of the good behavior of Sangha?s Buddhism. And 5) To predict the personal data factors, from the elements of the good behavior of Sangha?s Buddhism, emotional intelligence mental, health power (resilience quotient), stress coping behavior.

????????? The research results were showed that data on personal factor characteristics of the sample (the good behavior of Sangha?s Buddhism) of 200 monks (100%) found that most of them were in Bangkok and Chiang Mai areas with the same number of 100 monks (50%) each area, and most of them were between 30-39 years of age. 79 monks (39.5%), average 10-20 ordination years, 170 monks (85%), 111 monks (55.5%) figures below bachelor's degree, and 136 singles (68.0%) there were single marital statuses. In with the level of emotional intelligence of the samples were, the behavioral level on emotional intelligence were (high) with mean (, 3.862) and standard deviation (SD, 0.525), the level of emotional intelligence in the aspect of self-awareness (high), had a mean (, 4.061) and standard deviation (SD, 0.664). (moderate), with mean (, 3.440) and standard deviation (SD, 0.402), the results showed that the behavioral level on health power (resilience quotient) in the fight over obstacles (high), was mean (,3.642) standard deviation (SD, 0.593), the level of stress coping behavior of the sample had coping behavior level (moderate), with mean (, 3.443) standard deviation (SD, 0.406), it was found that the level of problem-solving-oriented stress coping behavior (high), had a mean (, 3.736) standard deviation (SD, 0.604), the sample group (medium), with mean (, 2.957), the standard deviation (SD, 0.338), the results showed that the sample group had a mean level of the good behavior of Sangha?s Buddhism, behavior in the aspect of cooperative behavior (moderate) (, 3.470), standard deviation (SD, 0.693). And the research hypothesis were 1 research hypothesis, 1.1 research hypothesis, 1.2 research hypothesis, 1.3 research hypothesis, 1.4 and research hypothesis 1.5, the statistics used in the test, there were the Pearson's Product Moment Correlation coefficient, the hypothesis test results were accept hypothesis 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, were accept hypothesis 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, the hypothesis 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, the hypothesis 4 and 4.3 were accepted, the hypothesis 5, 5.1 and 5.2 were statistically significant at 0.01 level. And the research hypothesis 6, the applied statistics, in the test the results of the hypothesis test were accepted hypothesis 6, in significant predictions of personal data factors (area), (age), (level of education) and (marital status) were used, in statistically at 0.01 level.


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