Professional Development of Administrators at Guangzhou 16th middle School under Guangdong Province


  • Jiang Huiling Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University
  • Tarinee Kittikanjanasophon Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University
  • Vorachai Viphoouparakhot Vorachai Viphoouparakhot Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University


Professional Development, Administrators, Guangzhou 16th Middle School, Guangdong Province


The objectives of this research were: (1) to study the professional development of administrators at Guangzhou 16th Middle school under Guangdong Province; and; (2) to compare the the professional development of administrators at Guangzhou 16th Middle school under Guangdong Province, classified by education level and work experience.

The research methodology was a survey research. Population was 209 teachers at Guangzhou 16th Middle school under Guangdong Province. The sample size was determined by the Krejcie and Morgan table, obtained by simple random sampling method, totalling 136 teachers. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaire with a five-point rating scale and checklist form. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency percentage, mean, Standard Deviation and t-test.

The research results showed that: (1) the professional development of administrators at Guangzhou 16th Middle school under Guangdong Province, overall and aspect were at high levels; and (2) comparison of the professional development of administrators at Guangzhou 16th Middle school under Guangdong Province, classified by education level and work experience, overall were not different.


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